Friday, January 8, 2010

I see how I rate

So I have a brother (don't act surprised his name is Kevin). He's SEVERAL years older than I am.
I can't really say I would call him a techy. He's got a cell phone, an email address and a gun. But I've never seen him with a gameboy or a playstation. We had a Wii on Thanksgiving and I don't think he even attempted it. I'm sure it was an age thing. I will admit, I didn't attempt it either but I have good reason. If I so much as blow my nose, I pee a little. So jumping around trying to dance dance revolution, would have required a depends.

My brother also not an over communicator. We don't have weekly (or monthly) phone conversations to catch up with each other. We don't email and ask about what is going on in each others lives. I think he may talk to mom and dad once a week or so. I also don't think he has weekly update phone calls with our sister (Kim).
Pretty much the only time we talk is to find out what someone in our respective family wants for their birthday or Christmas. And if maybe if there is a family crisis that one of use needs to be notified about. He did call me last week to ask me how to wrap Lil Smokies in bacon (crisis?).

I usually do my family updating with his wife Melissa via email or facebook. She fills me on his TV appearances (he's famous) and what is going on with their daughter Elizabeth.

I'm a facebook addict. If I don't get on it every night to see what my friends are up to, I can't get to sleep. I believe I actually can take some of the credit for talking my mom and my sister into getting an account.
It great for keeping up on what my sister and her family are up too. Mom, Kim, Kim's daughter Stefanie and Kevin's wife Melissa are all on my "friends" list.

I NEVER in a million years thought I would see the day my brother signed up for a facebook account.. I've had mine for a couple years now. I tell everyone they need a facebook account.
But Kevin on facebook, not a chance.

It's also a great way to keep up with extended family. An example of this is the Lind family. The Linds have not always been in our lives, but I can't for the life of me remember a time when they weren't. They are a combination of friend and family and none of them live in Illiois.. I've gotten to know Eric Lind better through facebook (we enjoy some occasional smart ass banter). This will all make more sense in a minute.

So when I got home from work today, I signed on to see what kind of day all my facebook peeps had. As I'm scrolling down the page reading status updates, I notice this "Kim Wettersten and Eric Lind are now friends with Kevin Rollins".
I looked at my notifications. I didn't have a friend request from Kevin Rollins.
So I went to Eric's wall and commented on the notification "how is it that Eric Lind is "friends" with Kevin Rollins before his own sister?" Eric said it must have something to do with priorities. And informed me that the only person on Kevin's friend list before him, was my niece Stefanie..
Whilst in this conversation I sent my brother a friend request, to see if he would accept it.
Then it occurred to me. When you are new to facebook it "suggests" friends for you and then you have to go send them a friend request. Or you actually have to go looking for people you would like to friend. That means that my brother sent friend requests to my sister, my niece, Eric Lind and three other people (he had a total of 6 friends as of 5pm this evening).
Then suddenly appearing on my status updates is this "Bev Rollins is now friends with Kevin Rollins".
Hey?!?!? What am I chopped liver?? He sent at least 7 friend requests and none of them were to me.

I just checked again. He's up to 9 friends and still HAS NOT accepted my friend request.

This is what I think.. He's afraid. He knows that I can out-facebook and out-smartass him. He's afraid that if he friends me, I'll write something on his wall that will have him laying under the desk in fetal position sucking his thumb.
Therefore, I shall call myself the facebook queen.


Eric Lind said... I posted to Facebook,

I read your blog this morning and can only say, "thank you Kerri!" Usually your prose compels me to laugh, cry or some combination of the two. After reading the above post and associated comments I drove to Walgreen's to purchase my very own box of Depends...I have not laughed that hard in while. I look forward with great anticipation to my boy Kevin's response which I am certain will not only come at a time of his choosing but will most likely be related with that world famous "Kevin Rollins brevity", which I have observed is typically inversely proportional to the length of your, or for that matter my, comments on the same subject. In the midst of two families who can expound (bs) with the best this is a trait he shares only with sister Kim who can 'cut-to-the-chase' with a sparkle in her eye and sweetness that would have you welcome the knife. Kevin however has raised 'DIRECT' to an art form. And, although I believe there is some credence to your assertion Kevin's selection priorities stem from technical retardation I am not prepared to totally get onboard with this theory as neither his distance from Arkansas nor the time since hunting season are great enough to provide protection for such support. As you indicated Kerri, he carries a gun! I also feel somewhat honored at my position in his selection your heart out Kerri / Bev although I would never doubt Kevin's love for his family. Kevin is however 'on-his-own' with Melissa. I rather believe that like me and many others our age, Kevin sees Facebook closing comfortable distances, independence and anonymity available until now. It would really surprise me if he gave it this much thought. Whatever his reason, level of participation or friend selection order, as with all new additions Facebook will be the better for it.

Eric Lind

Anonymous said...

all true...and bite me...and thanks for getting me yelled at by me wife forst thing on a Saturday morning with a tinge of hangover, for STILL not adding her. you're BOTH now added...but the way i figure this thing out...i REALLY don't have to answer either ofyou.

Kerri said...

But what gives me the upper hand right now is the fact that my blog has comment moderation.
This means I get to approve every comment before it will be posted.
Ramble on big brother. maybe I will maybe I will.

ps. I do feel a little bad about getting you in trouble with Mel.