Thursday, January 22, 2009

Damn it Dixon

I will be the first to admit that I've never been a very green person.
We eat off paper plates, I probably have 450,000 plastic pop and water bottles in a land-fill somewhere, I throw newspapers in the garbage, I don't car-pool, I have plastic grocery bags stuffed into each other all over the place.. etc... etc... etc...

But I know I'm not green.. I have said out loud "we should use real plates" or "maybe we should use paper grocery sacks..

In the past year or so, I've become more aware of my bad habits.. I bought a trash can specifically for cans and foil.. And I do throw all my cans in it.. I don't throw aluminum foil in it if I've used it to line a pan that I'm going to cook something messy in.. I made chicken cordon bleu Monday, the cheese oozed out my chicken and stuck to the foil, that foil is headed for a land fill, I didn't want it to sit in my can for cans and get all stinky.
I'm not sure if I decided to recycle aluminum because I wanted to save the environment or because I like the idea that I can justify my pop intake by saying "the more pop I drink, the more money I can get when I take the cans to the junk yard".. I have to say it pisses me off that slim-fast cans are not aluminum..
I love to find new ways to make a buck.. Last Friday I took two 55 gallon garbage bags of clothes to the resale shop.. They picked through the giant pile and selected about 6 things they were willing to buy.. (hint, when you take clothes to a place like this, make sure they're not covered in cat hair). They ended up giving me $14 and let me leave the rest of the crap there for them to dispose of..
Just last week I bought a water filter that goes on the faucet so I could stop buying bottled water.. This is going to end up being more expensive than I wanted it to be because when I got it home, it wouldn't screw on because the threads on the faucet are stripped.. So to be able to use it and cut down on my bottled water addiction, I have to buy a new faucet.. Hey I think Janice Landi blogged about some plumbing work she did.. Janice, you going to be in town anytime soon???

So the point is, I'm taking baby steps to this whole "Go Green" concept..
Then along come a post on "My Random Thoughts" (Thanks Amy) And I got all guilt ridden and thought that I really need to do more to save the planet.. And I need to be a good example for my daughter who has 450,000 plastic bottles on her floor (it is a land fill in itself.).
Last night we went to Wal-mart.. I dressed for the occasion in sweat pants, a hoodie, my fleece lined crocs, and no make up.. While we were there I passed four shopping carts of "clearance" items.. Mostly Christmas stuff.. Except one cart was full of the reusable shopping bags..
Again - Thanks bunches Amy for that guilt trip you didn't even know you were taking me on while I was in my best white trash outfit at Walmart.. But I did it.. I broke down and bought 5 "go green" reusable shopping bags.. I thought it was kind of funny that the check out lady shoved them into a plastic bag..

Pretty lame post, I know.. But I'm putting off cleaning Ryleigh's room.. It's been on my "to-do" list all week.. Yesterday I cleaned the oven because I thought it sounded better than heading into ground zero..
I know what you're saying "she's 11, make her clean her own room".. Her idea of cleaning the room is to see how much crap she can squeeze under her bed and in her closet.. So probably twice a year, I go in and give it a complete over-haul.. Today is the day..
By the time I'm done, I'll be pissed, disgusted and needing another shower..
But not to worry.. Stay tuned, and I'm sure you'll hear all about it..


Amy said...

Now go buy a $30 box of energy efficient light bulbs! ;-)

She really put your re-usable bags in a plastic bag? That made me laugh out loud. Did she not understand why you bought them? Oh, wait, you were at Wal-Mart. Now I understand.

Kerri said...

How many do I get for $30? Like 3?
Those things are expensive..
I will say that every time I pass them in the store I look at them and think to myself that I should invest in a few..

Yes, she really put them in a plastic bag.. And I said out loud to Scott "oh that's funny, our reusable shopping bags are going into a plastic bag".. The check out chick didn't even look up at me..

I want to work at Walmart so I can be oblivious to my surroundings.

Janice said...

Sorry, wont be in town for the plumbing help, but its not that difficlut. Advice: Start early and make sure hardware store is open, know where the main water shut off is in the house.

I have light blubs dated from 4 years ago that are still going strong. We bought a few at a time when ever we saw a sale. I would date them when we put them in. I know...I am a dork.

Matthew Cameron said...

Kerri Rollins,


Kerri said...

You date your bulbs??? That's probably a really good idea..
Between you and Amy, I'm going to turn into an earth saver pretty quick..

Matty- How are you?? How's the new job??

Amy said...

Dating the lightbulbs!? That's genious!! Except for the ones that went in the new lights Dana installed a year ago, I have no idea how old they are. Good thinking!!

Kerri, I think there are 10 or 12 in a box.

Amy said...

Dating the lightbulbs!? That's genious!! Except for the ones that went in the new lights Dana installed a year ago, I have no idea how old they are. Good thinking!!

Kerri, I think there are 10 or 12 in a box.

Matthew Cameron said...

I'm good.. I actually like it. I'd rather be working with you, Chris and Dan though, but it's better than I expected.

They matched Tifton's offer and I go in at 8:20 everyday.. but.. since it's a 20 min drive (as opposed to the three minute drive for Heatcraft), my mom and dad stopped bringing me lunch.

I like not going in at 4:30-5:30, etc and I like being employee #11 - you actually know what is going on.

It's not nearly as fun; but it's a lot less stressful. Of course, since I did work for you.. we all know where the stress came from..


I'm kidding. You were nowhere near the pain that Bev was. (hi Bev!)