Tuesday, January 6, 2009

it's not all bon bons and soap operas

Well so far it hasn't been so bad..
Yesterday was really my first day at home alone..
I got up and took Ryleigh to school at the actual school start time..
For her entire school career she's gone to school an hour before it actually started for pre-care. And had to stay until 5 for after care..
So I took her to school.. Came home drank up a cup of coffee, got on the treadmill, watched Wheel of Fortune, took a shower, went to the police station to get finger printed (you can't go on a school field trip unless your prints are on file). I got back home about 12:45 and just kind of walked around the house.. I didn't know what to do with myself, so I took a nap. Then I got up and picked Ryleigh up at 3:30 when school actually got out..
If every day is like that, I'll be nuts..

Here are some things I've learned.. You can go 20 years without watching soap operas, and you still know what's going on.. I swear All My Children, hasn't changed.. Same people, same drama..
I no longer time things by the clock.. Instead of saying I went to pick Ryleigh up at 3:30, I should have said "I went to pick Ryleigh up half way through Rachel Ray".. I now know I can watch Rachel Ray until the second commercial break and still make it on time..

Today my morning was pretty much the same as yesterday.. But my mom called and invited me to her house for lunch.. Then we went to look at yarn.. She's going to knit me an afgan..
We stopped by a little diner that a friend I haven't seen in 20 years owns.. And guess what, I got a job offer.. Sorta.. She said to come back and talk to her about waiting tables a couple days a week.. Which wouldn't be too bad.. I waited tables for 8 years back in the day.. It would get me out of the house a little bit, and put some extra dollars in my pocket..
I'm not sure how serious she was..

Today when I picked Ryleigh up, she said everyone was asking her why she suddenly wasn't coming to pre and after care.. She told them her mom got laid off.. I'm glad she didn't say "lost her job".. That could be interpreted as "fired".
She did say she likes this new set up..

Tomorrow Ryleigh is going on a field trip to Springfield, she's begged me for years to go on a field trip with her.. They're going to the Lincoln House and then to some pizza place with pizza so big an overhead crane has to bring it to your table.. I think it was on the food network for something.. I kind of remember it..
Anyway, I went and got fingerprinted yesterday because I figured if I was going to be stuck on a field trip with 50+ 6, 7, and 8th grade kids, I might as well be a cool field trip.. But apparently all the other parents had the same thought, because when I offered to go and help, the teacher said that didn't need anymore parents.. Great.. That means I'm going to be stuck going on some lame-ass field trip to somewhere like the post office to see how mail is sorted..

Don't worry, I'm not going to give you daily updates of how I pace my house everyday, because I don't know what to do with myself..
But I thought I'd let you know I'm okay.. I can feel myself starting to relax..


Janice said...

You can post every other day and give us a 2 day recap :)
Glad to hear that you can get in half of Rachel Ray!

Amy said...

I've been waiting to read your blog since December 30. Is Rachel Ray any good??

Kerri said...

I feel kind of pathetic.. All I could come up with was daytime TV and field trips..
Got a little writers block, I guess..
That and I'm afraid if I start getting on the computer everyday, I'll become one of those crazy computer people that NEED to sign on before they get their morning coffee.

hmmm Rachel Ray or RR as everyone calls her..
She's not bad.. Its a talk show slash cooking show.. She had P-Diddy on yesterday.. I'd rank it right up there with Ellen.. Except RR's voice is slighly more annoying..

hope you had a good Christmas/New Years..

Anonymous said...

I kinda like RR - laughed my self silly during Christmas when she had Jessica Simpson on...what a blonde! I stayed home for 5 years with my daughter (way back in the day) and actually learned many hobbies, but forgot how to talk to adults!
And remember my motto -- This too shall pass!

Anonymous said...

I kinda like RR - laughed my self silly during Christmas when she had Jessica Simpson on...what a blonde! I stayed home for 5 years with my daughter (way back in the day) and actually learned many hobbies, but forgot how to talk to adults!
And remember my motto -- This too shall pass!

Kerri said...

Yeah I like her too..
But I'm well aware of my laziness level, so I try not to like her too much..
It would be really easy for me to watch TV for 14 hours a day..
Especially when it's this friggin cold outside, and I got an electric blanket for Christmas..

Thanks BS.. I remember when I was going through some major tough times with my son, my mom sent me flowers that said "this too shall pass".. That was years ago, but those words gave/give me hope..