Thursday, April 30, 2009

couch surfing, FB and Kelly

Can you believe I've been this quiet for this long???
It's been a while since I've blogged. I hope I remember how..

Okay so anyway.. I was running out of things to blog about.. When you never leave the house, the only people that give you stuff to blog about, are the ones that live with you, and you can only talk about those people for so long.
So I was in writer's block.

Then the unthinkable happened.. I got talked into joining Facebook (FB). Kara Dowell has been on me forever to join, and I resisted.. Then Dan Welch gave me a bunch of grief about it.. And finally I caved in.. Now I'm trying to recruit my family (you'll find the irony in this in a minute).
It gets worse.. My friend Beth Hay sent me an invitation on FB to be her neighbor in FB Farm Town.. Farm Town is this game where you actually have a blot of land that you can farm. You have to plow the land, go to the market to buy the seeds, plant the seeds, wait until they grow, harvest the crop and sell to make money, then re-plow, re-seed etc.. You also have to help your neighbors by tending to their crops.. And you can't do certain things until you recruit 8 neighbors.. I need three more, so sign up for FB and come be my Farm Town neighbor.. I NEED YOU!!!

Anyway, that's not ALL I've been doing..

Are you ready for this?????


I have been signed up with Kelly Services since like 2007, right after Heatcraft announced the shut down. They've sent me on 3 interviews.. One of the places actually told me I was overqualied (never heard that at my last job).. They offered me the job, but didn't want to pay very well.
So, I was feeling kinda low..
Then last Thursday the district manager for Kelly Services called and wanted me to come in Friday morning to talk to HER.. She was making a trip to Danville to meet me..
I went in Friday morning and an hour later, I walked out with a J.O.B. that started Monday.
Get this, I'm in HR.. I am a recruiter for Kelly Services.. My duties include screening, interviewing, supervising AND EVEN FIRING (if needed). It's awesome and I'm pretty pumped about it..
Today was my fourth day, and they threw me in.. I did my first two interviews today.. And besides a couple technical errors, I DID IT!!! And I got an Atta girl.

Anyway I'm still alive, and yes, bragging a little bit..


Janice said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I guess you now have to use a clock to base your more TV shows that define the time of day for you :)

Kerri said...

Thanks Janice.
I wonder if Jerry Springer could call me at noon and let me know it's lunch time.

Amy said...

It's a lot more fun being the one asking the questions, isn't it?

Kerri said...

I have to say, not in a million years did I think I would be sitting on this side of an interview..
Which causes a problem. I don't have enough confidence YET.
The new boss thinks I need to get a stronger personality..