Monday, December 22, 2008

I was over dressed at Wal-Mart

Well I went to Wal-Mart over the weekend..

It's always been one of my least favorite places to be..
It's crowded, people are rude, and their "roll back" prices, really don't seem all that "rolled back" to me..
I avoid it.. About the only time I go, is close to Christmas and if I need a new CD (Besides Chart, there is nowhere in Danville to buy CD's. And Chart isn't open when I'm not at work)..

So I chased a Xanax with a tequila shooter and headed out to Wally Martins..
I've made a decision.. I'm going to go out there once a week for the rest of my life, and I'll tell you why..

After getting through the first 5 minutes of initial shock, I started to feel really good about myself..
I mean REALLY good..
I'm willing to bet my self-esteem went up by like 150 points..

Where do these people come from??? Do I really live in the same town as them??
Who shops in their pajamas??? Don't get me wrong.. I LOVE my flannel jammies.. And when I'm at home, I live in them..
However.. I would not go shopping in them.. I wouldn't even run to the gas station in them..

And here's the thing.. These people are wearing jammies to Wal-Mart, that they bought at Wal-Mart..
How does security know the difference.. They could put a brand new pair of Jammie bottoms on in the store and just say "I wore them in".. And if that's the case, can I walk out with a TV and say "but I was watching it when I walked in"..

But if you watch.. Some of these girls flit around in their jammies like they're a Victoria's secret model..

Ladies... there is nothing sexy about flannel jammie bottoms that have Betty Boop on them.. Especially when your morning mascara is running down your face and your bed head is poking people in the eye..

I also saw a man in shorts, several people without teeth, a bunch of women wearing clothes that were about 4 sizes too small and a few husbands on leashes..

I always frowned at the people that were lighting a cigarette as the doors of hell were opening to let them out..
Now I get it..

1 comment:

Janice said...

Holy cow...went to walmart the day before Christmas to pick up air freshner for our car.....BAD IDEA. There were cars waiting in line at the entrance becuase there were no spots...and every checkout line was actually open, but had 8 people in line.......Quite a few interesting characters as well...