Thursday, December 4, 2008

Reality bites

My mom would tell you that I watch too much TV.. And I probably do..
I have two types of shows I watch.
I'm not sure what to call the first type.. Drama I guess.. The stuff you have to figure out..
House - trying to figure what mysterious illness his patient has..
Horatio - trying to figure out why the pool boy was impaled..
Grissom - playing with doll houses that contain precarious positions of dead..
Bones - boiling skulls to find murder weapons..
You get the idea.

My other favorite is reality TV.. The competitive ones, that start out with like 16 people and they get whittled away to just two.. Then America gets to vote for their favorite, or whatever.. You know the kind.. The Mole, Biggest loser, The Next Food Network Star, Survivor, American Idol.

So last night on Fox, they're premiering a new show called The Secret Millionaire (and since it was in the regular time slot for Bones, I guess I had to watch).. Multimillionaires go live in poverty for a week (a whole week? I can't imagine).. They have to interact with people in poverty, without revealing their own social status.. At the end of the week (It's actually only 6 days), they have to give away at least $100,000.00 of their own money (I have to wonder if Fox is paying them to participate)..

Anyway.. There were two episodes on last night.. The first one was a sorta goofy looking lawyer that probably weighed about a buck ten.. He was tall and scrawny and wore high waters.. With him, was his over privileged 22 year old guitar playing, hippy wannabe son.. I was prepared to be disappointed.. I wasn't.. It was actually a really great show (except for all the crying. It was like an Oprah and Home Edition tear fest)..
The second episode was a rich southern couple.. He had started a chain of Raising Cain chicken restaurants, she sold her McDonalds franchise.. blah blah blah..
Now they're supposed to be undercover and appear to be down on their luck.. Yet they pulled up in a Suburban. And during the whole show, she had her Vera Wang sunglasses perched on top of her head, and the $125.00 manicure kept flashing across the screen.
He was good though.. In a battered hoodie, serious 5 o'clock shadow going on.. He was looking a little rough.. Although he stumbled a little when he was asked where he was from.. (He said Virginia, but surely they noticed the tags on the Suburban said Louisiana.)
It was sort of like it was his idea to play, and he just drug her unwilling ass along..
She just rubbed me the wrong way..
I realized I watched too much reality TV when I said "She just needs to get voted off"..
But I think I'll make that a new catch phrase.. Whenever somebody does something you don't like "just vote 'em off"..

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