Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh Christmas tree

I was walking through Sears the day after Halloween..
Out loud I said "okay I'm not coming back until after Thanksgiving.. I can't take Christmas coming so soon.." Well come to find out, everywhere I went that day, they were playing Christmas music.. And I fretted all day about how "they" were rushing Christmas..
It's like they want to go straight from Halloween to Christmas and skip right over Thanksgiving.. Well I happen to love Thanksgiving.. And skipping it, just isn't an option.. Unless of course mom decides to not make noodles this year.. Then maybe we can talk about it..
Seriously, when I was growing up Christmas came AFTER Thanksgiving.. We put our decorations up the weekend AFTER Thanksgiving.. Most of the stores didn't put their Christmas stuff out until AFTER Thanksgiving..
I've noticed as an adult that the decorations and the Christmas sales are coming earlier and earlier every year..
BUT THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN???? It was just too much..
Don't get me wrong.. I love Christmas.. And I am mighty proud of both of my Christmas trees.. One is upside down (just because I think it's cool and my life was/is sort of upside down).
The other one has 5000 lights on it.. This is no exaggeration.. I can't lift it, it weighs too much.. And I swear when it's plugged in, the other lights in the house go dim from the energy it takes to light this thing.. (I'm attaching picture of the tree with most of the lights on it.. The picture is from two Christmas' ago.. I think I've added 3 or 4 super long strands since then..)
So I've been bragging to Scott about my perfect and very bright tree..
Last weekend I heard some banging around in the basement, and then some ruckus in the dining room.. He comes into the living room and says "wow".. I see the glow coming through the door.. He's brought my tree up for me..
At first I thought 'uh hello??? too early'.. And I was a little put off by the fact that I was going to have to look at it for a month longer than planned..
But he did drag it up for me.. So I couldn't really complain..
But now, I have it placed.. And I plug it in every night.. I get a warm fuzzy when I look at it (I also get blinded)..
I'm even thinking I'll get the rest of my Christmas decorations out this weekend..
Hey.. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em..
But mom, you're not off the hook for those noodles.

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