Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Old folks, change diggers and lunch hours..

I get an hour for lunch, and it's a precious thing..
Usually I don't take the whole hour.. But I ALWAYS manage to accomplish something during that time.. Today's goal was to go to the credit union and make my car payment (forgot it was Veteran's Day), and go to the dollar store to get toilet paper..
Apparently I did not get the memo stating it was senior citizen Tuesday..
I got behind a white Buick of some kind.. Not sure of the model, but I can tell you the license plate number because I stared at it for what seemed like days, at the warp speed of 15 miles an hour, driving up Bowman Ave.. For those of you that don't know, Bowman goes from 30 to 55 in about a 2-3 mile span.. But we never wavered from 15 MPH.. She must have been going to Wal-Mart (never try that on lunch), because I passed her in the turning lane at Liberty.. I think it was a her.. I could only see her blue/silver hair reflecting off the window..
What's the spyglass thingy on submarines.. She had to have had one of those, because there was no way she could see over the dash.. It felt good to go slightly above the speed limit on Liberty lane..
So, I get to the dollar store at 12:05. Lunch is over at 12:30. I breeze through.. Got something to snack on, a Charmin 9 pack and head to the register.. I'm third in line - crap.. The first guy was pretty quick.. Paid in cash, took his change and his sack and left.. The next lady, not so much..
Her total was $9.55 and apparently she had the day off.. Because as soon as the cashier said her total, she leaned back past me saying "wait I forgot" and she grabbed a snicker bar (she really could have gone without it I think).. Cashier rings it up, new total is $10.53.. That's 53 cents more than the ten dollar bill she was planning to cover it with.. The digging began..
Pockets first.. Pants and coat (I love winter).. She jingled a little bit. But not quite enough, because then she went fishing through her purse, I thought for the rest of the change.. I was wrong.. The fishing produced a hot pink coin purse.. Then she started digging through that with one finger.. I see her lay a quarter and 2 pennies on the counter.. And back to the coin purse she went.. Another quarter was laid down, and now I know we're digging for nothing more than a single penny.. The cashier (God love her) says "here ya go, I got a penny" and collects the $10.52 from the counter.. She undoubtedly noticed the frustration and despair on my face.. I almost told her to put that penny on my debit card..
So I think a new law should go into affect.. "Kerri's Law". Which states that if you are retired, unemployed or on vacation, you may not drive, shop or bank between the high traffic hours of 11am and 1pm and also between 4:30 and 5:30pm.


Amy said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I was reading Janice's and saw you as a follower. I know your posts will always be entertaining, so I added you to my list of blogs I follow. An error occurred -- go figure. I look forward to reading your entries!!

Kerri said...

Hey Amy..
The "follower" thing is getting to me.. I feel like a hare krishna flower child when I click the icon that says I wanna be a follower..
Anyway, welcome to my blog.. Since I can never seem to find the time to write the book Bev wants me to write, I'll share my views here.

Janice said...

Kerri, I would support your new law...I think the post office is another thing that people should stay away from unless it's your lunch hour...no one else can be served from 11-12.