Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Naming a blog

Okay this is just uncomfortable.. Everyone is blogging, I read about 5 different blogs every morning, I hear about blogging, you can't do an internet search without some blogspot hits popping up, there are millions of blogs in cyberspace and I want one to call my own. Everyone is coming up with these really cool, reflective names for their blog site.. And I'm staring into space thinking "uh 'kerri's blog' doesn't seem very original"..
I'd kind of like to steal Janice Landi's title 'a Frog and her Blog'.. But the blog Nazi said it was already in use..
So it was Bloggin' for Apples or Mud Bloggin'... I settled.. And here we are bloggin' for Apples..

I'm hoping to keep up with this.. I'm really worried I'll have trouble coming up with stuff to write about.. I also have a little ADD issue.. Just in the time it took to write this, I've had 4 bazzillion other random thoughts go through my head.. Like does anyone else subconsciously type phonetically? Instead of "did you hear about the parade of lights?", I typed "did you here about the parade of lights?" I do this frequently in work email.. Then a person will reply, I'll go back and read what I sent originally and think "great, I look like an idiot". Why did this pop into my brain? I've done it about 28 times just typing this post..
Look for wrong words or left out words in all my posts.. It's bound to happen..

Until then, would you like to blog for red or green apples.

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